Venizelos Εvangelos

Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs


Evangelos Venizelos was born in Thessaloniki on 1.1.1957.

He is Professor of Constitutional Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

He has published many academic studies and legal textbooks, as well as books dealing with the political issues surrounding the role of mass media in modern democracies, role of government institutions, European affairs, Greek foreign policy, culture and development policy in 21st Century, etc. His studies have been published in most academic journals and numerous articles in the national and, also, international press.

Evangelos Venizelos has been elected MP (PASOK) in Thessaloniki (A) Constituency since 1993 and has served as: Minister for Press and Mass Media- Government Spokesman (1993-95), Minister for Transport and Communications (1995-96), Minister for Justice (1996), Minister for Culture & Sports (1996 – 1999), Minister for Development, Energy, Industry, Trade, Tourism and Technology (1999-2000), Minister for Culture & Sports 2000-2004 (in charge of coordinating the entire range of aspects of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games preparation (Infrastructures, relations with International Olympic Committee etc.), Minister for National Defence (2009-2011), Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister (17.06.2011 – 18.03.2012)

In 18.03.2012, he resigned from his government positions as he was elected President of PASOK.

He was President of PASOK from March 2011 to June 2015.

From June 2013 to January 2015 he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister.

Εvangelos Venizelos currently serves as MP for Thessaloniki A Constituency and Secretary of the Special Permanent Committee on Institutions and Transparency.

He is the Vice Chairperson of the Socialist Group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.