Table of Contents


Mitsotakis Kyriakos

Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic

Borissov Boyko

Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Zaev Zoran

Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

Allen Mark

Ambassador of Canada to the Hellenic Republic

Pyatt R. Geoffrey

US Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic

Reichel Ernst

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Hellenic Republic

Zhang Qiyue

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Hellenic Republic

Allen Chris

DG ECFIN Resident Adviser in Athens, European Commission

Anastasopoulos Simos

President, CompeteGR, Greece

Angelova Milena

Vice-President, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC); Vice- President, European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest (CEEP); Secretary-General, Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), Belgium

Angjushev Kocho, PhD

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

Apostolopoulos Vassili

President, Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE); CEO, Athens Medical Group, Greece

Aranitou Valia

Director, Research Institute of Greek Commerce and SMEs; Member of the Experts Committee, Greek Council of Competitiveness, Greece

Bizoumi Tania

Project Manager & Sustainable Finance Consultant, ATHEX Group, Greece

Chanis Dimitris

CEO HERACLES Group, member of LafargeHolcim, Greece

Christodoulides Marinos

Chairman, Cyprus Stock Exchange, Cyprus

Darvas Zsolt

Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Belgium

Diamantidis Dimitris

Journalist, Radio Thessaloniki, Thessnews

Diamantopoulou Anna

President Diktio – Network for Reform in Greece and Europe; Former Minister and EU Commissioner, Greece

Dimas Christos, Dr.

Deputy Minister of Development and Investment of the Hellenic Republic

Efthymiadis Nikos

Chairman, Thessaloniki Technology Park; Coordinator, Thess INTEC; Chairman, Efthymiadis Agrotechnology Group, Greece

Ekaterinari Rania

CEO, Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations (HCAP), Greece

Ellis Athanasios

Editor in Chief, Kathimerini English Edition

Famellos Sokratis

Former Alternate Minister for Energy and Environment of the Hellenic Republic, Responsible for coordinating Energy and Environmental Policies within the SYRIZA party, MP, Greece

Filis Constantinos, Dr.

Executive Director, Institute of International Relations, Greece

Findikakis George

Journalist,, Fileleftheros

Fragogiannis Kostas

Deputy Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Openness of the Hellenic Republic

Georgantas Georgios

Deputy Minister of Digital Governance, responsible for the Simplification of Administrative Procedures of the Hellenic Republic

Georgiadis Adonis

Minister of Development and Investment of the Hellenic Republic

Georgiadis Narkissos

CEO, Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Co SA (EYATH), Greece

Georgieva Teodora

Executive Officer and Board Member, ICGB AD (Interconnector Greece Bulgaria), Bulgaria

Gouta Alexandra

Financial & Technology News Editor, ANA-MPA

Haddad Benjamin

Director, Future Europe Initiative, Atlantic Council, USA

Handjinicolaou George

Chairman of the Board, Piraeus Bank; Hellenic Bank Association; Athens Stock Exchange, Greece

Hardouvelis Gikas

Professor of Finance & Economics, Banking & Financial Management Department, University of Piraeus, Greece

Harpantidis Christos

President & CEO, Papastratos; Managing Director EU South East Cluster, PMI

Jeliazkov Rossen

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Bulgaria

Jianu Florin

President, National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), Romania

Kafatos Vassilis

Partner, Deloitte, Greece

Kaili Eva

Member of the European Parliament, Head of the Hellenic S&D Delegation, Greece

Karamanlis Kostas

Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of the Hellenic Republic

Karanikas George

President, Hellenic Confederation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (ESEE)

Karaoglou Theodoros

Deputy Minister of Interior, Macedonia and Thrace of the Hellenic Republic

Kaymakci Faruk, Ambassador

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs & Director for EU Affairs of the Republic of Turkey

Kazoli Xenia

Member of the Board, Hellenic Corporate Governance Council; ΑΤΗΕΧ Group, Greece

Konstantinov Konstantin

CEO, Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD (IBEX), Bulgaria

Koumoutsakos George

Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection of the Hellenic Republic

Koussia Venetia, Dr.

Director General, Council on Competitiveness of Greece – CompeteGR, Greece

Kyrtsos Georgios

Member of the European Parliament, New Democracy Party, Greece

Lapokonstantakis Michalis

Digital Lead Pfizer Hellas, responsible for Greece, Cyprus and Malta

Lazarakou Vasiliki, Dr.

Chair, Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Greece

Lazaridis Socrates

CEO, Athens Exchange Group, Greece


Chief Commercial Officer, Praxiabank

Markopouliotis George

Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece

Michailidou Domna, Dr.

Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, responsible for social welfare and social solidarity of the Hellenic Republic

Mylonas Pavlos

Chief Executive Officer, National Bank of Greece

Nenezić Miloš

President, Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), Serbia

Nikoltsiou Maria

Journalist, ALPHA TV

Notis Nectarios

President, Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), Serbia

Pankin Dmitry

President, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Greece

Papadogiannis Yannis

Financial Journalist,

Papahagi Madalina

Program Coordinator, Subnational Doing Business, World Bank Group

Papathanasis Nikos

Deputy Minister of Development and Investment of the Hellenic Republic

Papazoglou Panos

Managing Partner, EY Greece

Pappas Nikos

Shadow Economic Minister, Former Minister of Digital Policy Telecommunications and Media, SYRIZA Party, Greece

Pefanis Dimitrios

Journalist, General Manager of

Petsas Stelios

Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic

Pitsilis George

Governor, Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Greece

Plakiotakis Ioannis

Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic

Savvakis Athanasios

President, Federation of Industries of Greece; Chairman, Hellenic Energy Exchange, Greece

Spirtounias Elias

Executive Director, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Greece

Spyraki Maria

Member of the European Parliament, Greece

Staikouras Christos

Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic

Stamou Natassa

Vice Chair, Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Greece

Stevanovic Nemanja

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia

Stournaras Yannis

Governor, Bank of Greece

Tasouli Alexia

Diplomatic Correspondent, OPEN TV

Theofanis Sotirios

Chairman of the BoD and Managing Director, Thessaloniki Port Authority SA, Greece

Thomas Gerassimos

Deputy Minister for Environment and Energy of the Hellenic Republic

Tsakiris Yannis

Deputy Minister for Development and Investments of the Hellenic Republic

Tsakloglou Panos, Prof.

Professor of Economics, International and European Economic Studies Dept., Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Tsoukalis Loukas, Prof.

President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Greece

Tzikas Anastasios

President, Thessaloniki International Fair HELEXPO SA; President, Technopolis Thessaloniki ICT Business Park, Greece

Varvitsiotis Miltiadis

Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic

Venizelos Evangelos, Prof.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (2013-2015); Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister (2011-2012), Greece

Vettas Nikos

General Director, Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE); Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Visvizi Anna, Dr.

Director of Research, Institute of East-Central Europe, Poland

Vlachos Panos

President, Anatolia College, Greece

Volikas Kimon

Managing Director, Alpha Asset Management AEDAK; President, Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association, Greece

Vroutsis Ioannis

Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Hellenic Republic

Zampoukas Andreas


Zarifopoulos Grigoris

Deputy Minister of Digital Governance of the Hellenic Republic





Welcome Address

Athanasios Savvakis, President, Federation of Industries of Greece

Symeon Tsomokos, President, S.G.T S.A.

Konstantinos Zervas, Mayor of Thessaloniki

Theodoros Karaoglou, Deputy Minister of Interior, Macedonia and Thrace of the Hellenic Republic

Nikolaos Bakatselos, President, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce

Stylianos Petsas, Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic


In conversation

Christos Staikouras, Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Yiannis Papadogiannis, Financial Journalist,


Which are the priorities for the new EU leadership?

Video Message

Margaritis Schinas, Vice President, European Commission


Opening statements

Konstantinos Fragogiannis, Deputy Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Openness of the Hellenic Republic

Nemanja Stevanovic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia

Georgios Markopouliotis, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece



Loukas Tsoukalis, President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Greece

Zsolt Darvas, Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Belgium


MODERATOR: Constantinos Filis, Executive Director, Institute of International Relations, Greece


Greece 2020-2025: Developmental and Social Goals

Opening statements

Adonis-Spyridon Georgiadis, Minister of Development & Investment of the Hellenic Republic

Dr Domna Michailidou, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, responsible for social welfare and social solidarity of the Hellenic Republic



Chris Allen, DG ECFIN Resident Adviser in Athens, European Commission

Gikas Hardouvelis, Professor of Finance & Economics, Banking & Financial Management Department, University of Piraeus, Greece

Panos Tsakloglou, Professor of Economics, International and European Economic Studies Dept., Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece


MODERATOR: Yiannis Papadogiannis, Financial Journalist,


In conversation

H.E. Geoffrey R. Pyatt, US Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Alexia Tasouli, Diplomatic Correspondent, OPEN TV


Break – light lunch


Keynote address

Yiannis Vroutsis, Minister for Labour and Social Affairs of the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Nektarios Notis, CEO, FNB Daily; Publisher, BNB Daily


In conversation

H.E. Ernst Reichel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Alexia Tasouli, Diplomatic Correspondent, OPEN TV


South East Europe: Ongoing Challenges and Future Prospects

Opening statements

Kocho Angjushev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic

Ambassador Faruk Kaymakci, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey



Dmitry Pankin, President, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Greece

Benjamin Haddad, Director, Future Europe Initiative, Atlantic Council, USA


MODERATOR: Alexia Tasouli, Diplomatic Correspondent, OPEN TV


Looking to the East

H.E. Zhang Qiyue, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Dimitrios Pefanis, Journalist, General Manager of


Energy Security Considerations in Eastern Mediterranean

Kocho Angjushev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

Maria Spyraki, Member of the European Parliament, Greece

Gerasimos Thomas, Deputy Minister for Environment and Energy of the Hellenic Republic

Sokratis Famellos, Former Alternate Minister for Energy and Environment of the Hellenic Republic, Responsible for coordinating Energy and Environmental Policies within the SYRIZA party, MP, Greece

Konstantin Konstantinov, CEO, Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD (IBEX), Bulgaria

Teodora Georgieva, Executive Officer and Board Member, ICGB AD (Interconnector Greece Bulgaria)


MODERATOR: George Findikakis, Journalist,, Fileleftheros


In conversation

George Koumoutsakos, Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection of the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Constantinos Filis, Executive Director, Institute of International Relations, Greece


In conversation

George Pitsilis, Governor, Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Greece

MODERATOR: Dimitrios Pefanis, Journalist, General Manager of




Speeches – Official Dinner

SE Europe: Taking forward regional cooperation and reforms

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic

Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

Athanasios Savvakis, President, Federation of Industries of Greece

Symeon Tsomokos, President, S.G.T S.A.





Symeon Tsomokos, President, S.G.T S.A.


Enhancing Connectivity through Infrastructure

Opening statements

Kostas Karamanlis, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of the Hellenic Republic

Rossen Jeliazkov, Minister of Transport, ΙΤ & Communications of the Republic of Bulgaria



Sotiris Theofanis, Chairman of the BoD and Managing Director, Thessaloniki Port Authority SA, Greece

Narkissos Georgiadis, CEO, Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Co SA (EYATH), Greece

Nikos Efthymiadis, Chairman, Thessaloniki Technology Park; Coordinator, Thess INTEC; Chairman, Efthymiadis Agrotechnology Group, Greece

Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament, Head of the Hellenic S&D Delegation, Greece


MODERATOR: Maria Nikoltsiou, Journalist, ALPHA TV


In conversation

Ioannis Plakiotakis, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Andreas Zampoukas, co-founder,


In conversation

Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister of Development and Investment of the Hellenic Republic

MODERATOR: Andreas Zampoukas, co-founder,


Enhancing the economic and trade relations between US and Greece. Prospects and opportunities in Northern Greece.

Vasilis Kafatos, Partner, Deloitte, Greece

Panos Vlachos, President, Anatolia College, Greece

Michalis Lapokonstantakis, Digital Manager Pfizer Hellas, Greece


MODERATOR: Elias Spirtounias, Executive Director, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Greece


In conversation

Prof. Evangelos Venizelos, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (2013-2015); Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister (2011-2012), Greece

MODERATOR: Athanasios Ellis, Editor in Chief, Kathimerini English Edition


The critical role of employers’ organizations in the economic and social development of Eastern Europe

Opening Statement

Theodoros Karaoglou, Deputy Minister of Interior, Macedonia and Thrace of the Hellenic Republic



Georgios Karanikas, President, Hellenic Confederation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (ESEE)

Miloš Nenezić, President, Serbian Association of Employers (SAE), Serbia

Milena Angelova, Vice-President, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC); Vice-President, European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest (CEEP); Secretary-General, Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), Belgium

Florin Jianu, President, National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), Romania


MODERATOR: Valia Aranitou, Director, Institute of Commerce and Services, Hellenic Confederation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship (ESEE)


Break – light lunch


In conversation

Ioannis Tsakiris, Deputy Minister of Development and Investment of the Hellenic Republic

Marinos Christodoulides, Chairman, Cyprus Stock Exchange


MODERATOR: Yiannis Papadogiannis, Financial Journalist,


Greek capital market – a springboard for growth. The important role of domestic savings

Vassiliki Lazarakou, Chair, Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Greece

Socrates Lazaridis, CEO, Athens Exchange Group, Greece

Kimon Volikas, Managing Director, Alpha Asset Management AEDAK; President, Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association, Greece

Nikos Vettas, General Director, Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE); Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece


MODERATOR: Yiannis Papadogiannis, Financial Journalist,


How can Greece take advantage of its comeback as an investment destination? Attractiveness Survey – Greece 2019

Panos Papazoglou, Managing Partner, EY Greece


In conversation

Christos Harpantidis, President & CEO, Papastratos; Managing Director EU South East Cluster, PMI

MODERATOR: Andreas Zampoukas, co-founder,


Industrial Growth and Digital Challenges

Opening Statements

Nikolaos Papathanasis, Deputy Minister of Development and Investment of the Hellenic Republic

Georgios Georgantas, Deputy Minister of Digital Governance, responsible for the Simplification of Administrative Procedures of the Hellenic Republic



H.E. Mark Allen, Ambassador of Canada to the Hellenic Republic

Anastasios Tzikas, President, Thessaloniki International Fair HELEXPO SA; President, Technopolis Thessaloniki ICT Business Park, Greece

Dimitris Chanis, CEO HERACLES Group, member of LafargeHolcim, Greece


MODERATOR: Dimitris Diamantidis, Journalist, Radio Thessaloniki, Thessnews


From corporate governance to ESG, legal framework, international trends and practices

Natassa Stamou, Vice Chair, Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Greece

Xenia Kazoli, Member of the Board, Hellenic Corporate Governance Council; ΑΤΗΕΧ Group, Greece

Tania Bizoumi, Project Manager & Sustainable Finance Consultant, ATHEX Group, Greece


MODERATOR: Alexandra Gouta, Financial & Technology News Editor, ANA-MPA


Competitiveness in South-Eastern Europe: The Position of Greece


“Greece compared with the rest South-Eastern European countries”

Venetia Koussia, Director General, Council on Competitiveness of Greece – CompeteGR, Greece



Grigoris Zarifopoulos, Deputy Minister of Digital Governance of the Hellenic Republic

Madalina Papahagi, Program Coordinator, Subnational Doing Business, World Bank Group

Rania Ekaterinari, CEO, Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations (HCAP), Greece

Simos Anastasopoulos, President, CompeteGR, Greece


MODERATOR: Venetia Koussia, Director General, Council on Competitiveness of Greece – CompeteGR, Greece


In conversation

“EMU Architecture: Monetary, fiscal and financial stability policy issues”

Yannis Stournaras, Governor, Bank of Greece


MODERATOR: Yiannis Papadogiannis, Financial Journalist,


Greek Banking Sector and the future of Financial Stability

Georgios Kyrtsos, Member of the European Parliament, New Democracy Party, Greece

George Handjinicolaou, Chairman of the Board, Piraeus Bank; Hellenic Bank Association; Athens Stock Exchange, Greece

Alexandros Manos, Chief Commercial Officer, Praxiabank, Greece

Pavlos Mylonas, CEO, National Bank of Greece

Dr. Vassili G. Apostolopoulos, President, Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE); CEO, Athens Medical Group, Greece


MODERATOR: Maria Nikoltsiou, Journalist, ALPHA TV


End of the summit


Organized by:

The Federation of Industries of Greece was founded in 1915, as an independent non-profit association for industrial companies and local or sectoral enterprise organizations.
On June 2018, the status of Social Partner has been conferred on our Federation, in accordance with the National Law L4554/18.06.2018.
At the General Assembly of the Members of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, on January 25, 2019, the name changed to Federation of Industries of Greece.
SBE holds regular events -fora, conferences, workshops, seminars- focusing on growth, entrepreneurship, international economies, external trade and other strategic challenges.

In Cooperation with:

SGT is an integrated communications agency, with an unparalleled success record of building and sustaining strong corporate and brand reputations.
SGT has been organizing policy debates in Athens, Belgrade and around Europe for more than 18 years.
We’ve established a reputation for the timeliness of our events, which are thoroughly planned and expertly executed and which facilitate ideas exchange on key global and regional policy issues at critical moments.

In Association with:

The Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE) is a peak organization representing the community of Hellenic Commerce, as well as SMEs at both domestic and international level.
The founding of ESEE was the result of an arduous and long effort of the representatives of Greek commerce for the establishment of their own peak organization.
Its establishment was made possible by the cooperation of local commercial associations that have been active in Greek society since the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

DELPHI Economic Forum

American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce


Supported by:

The Representation of the European Commission in Greece

EEN Hellas
