Socratis Famellos

President, SYRIZA-PA party


Socratis Famellos is the elected Leader of the major left-wing party “SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance” in Greece, since November 2024, marking his commitment to the vision of social equity and sustainability.

In July 2023, he was appointed as the Head of the parliamentary group of the Official Opposition party, where he promoted progressive solutions to Greece’s most challenging issues.

Between 2019 and 2023, as the Head of the Environment and Energy Sector of the Official Opposition party, he played a leading role in the development and coordination of energy and environmental policies, with a focus on social and environmental justice.

Since January 2015, he is a member of the Hellenic Parliament, representing “SYRIZA Progressive Alliance”. From November 2016 to July 2019, as the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, he promoted progressive policies for environmental protection and energy transformation.

He has occupied key posts in the Technical Chamber of Greece, such as a member of the Executive Board (1997-2015) and a member of the Greek Delegation (2003-2015).

Socratis Famellos holds a degree in Chemical Engineering, and an MSc in Environmental Planning, with an expertise in Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Management, Recycling, and Wastes Management.