Nicolaides Byron

President CEPIS; CEO, Peoplecert


Born and raised in Constantinople, Byron Nicolaides is a visionary entrepreneur. He founded PeopleCert in 2000 and has since spearheaded a revolution in the testing and certification of professional skills. PeopleCert has delivered millions of exams across 180 countries through innovative, state-of-the-art technology platforms, widely recognised in the industry as the gold standard in examination delivery and certification of persons, both remotely and on-site. In 2019, he won the title of the Entrepreneur of the Year, at the European Business Awards, representing the United Kingdom, putting PeopleCert in the elite group of Europe’s top 1% most successful companies (from a list of 120.000 enterprises).

Prior to PeopleCert, Byron was a self-made entrepreneur and established several successful business ventures across a range of industries and sectors. He has also served as the International VicePresident for Merrill Lynch from 1987 to 1992. Byron Nicolaides is very active in IT industry globally. He is currently the President of European Informatics – Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS). CEPIS main aim is to promote the development of the information society in Europe and represents over 450,000 ICT and informatics professionals in 32 countries.

He has delivered a number of speeches and lectures in universities and conferences throughout the world over the past years. Byron speaks English, French, Greek and Turkish.